Thursday, February 19, 2015

No Gift Registries Needed!

Evidently, there is some confusion about what is considered 'proper etiquette' when it comes to housewarming parties...

- Who throws the party? The homeowner? Friends? Family? Some awkward combination of all three?

- What about gifts? Should the homeowner flat-out expect gifts? Should there be a registry? What sort of gifts should be given?

- What kind of party should it be? An 'in-and-out' sort of thing where guests can come and go an their leisure? An event with a definitive starting time? Should it be more formal or more casual?

Traditionally, a housewarming party is thrown within the first 3 months of moving into the new home. I'm thinking that there's probably a good amount of leeway on the exact timing, but I think it wouldn't be the best idea to host a housewarming party if you've already been in the home for more than 6 months...keep in mind that the housewarming party is supposed to be an event celebrating your new home. That being said, the timing should be somewhat after you have settled in and before your home becomes the hangout hub for your buddies...what would be the point in throwing a housewarming party if all of your friends and family are used to you living there? [Just my personal take on the event...]

As far as who should throw the party...

I think it would be best if the new homeowners throw their own party...but if there are some awesome family members or friends who would love to do it, I don't think that there's anything wrong with letting them organize the event. However,  I do think that it is a must that the party be organized with the correct intent! Housewarming parties should not be done with the implicit intention of getting gifts. [Same could be said for a wedding. A wedding does not need to happen if the only aim is to get presents!]

It is important that people remember that the purpose of a housewarming party is to welcome your friends and family to your new home...the purpose should not be to fill the new home with new stuff!!

When it comes to the gifts...I've seen mixed thoughts on whether someone should register for gifts, but the overall thought is that creating a registry for a housewarming party is not the proper thing to do. If there are a few items that the new homeowners could really use, then it would be appropriate for those items to be mentioned if a guest asks first...Guests will likely bring small, appropriate gifts without any prompting [Wine, house plants, kitchen towels, etc...]. Never, under any circumstance, is it appropriate to list the gift preferences or registry on the invitation! [Seriously guys, that's just tacky...] So, do keep that in mind.

I think that new home owners would find it best to have a 'drop-in' mentality about their housewarming party. This would allow for guests to stop by and visit without them feeling obligated to stay throughout the whole event. I think you would get a much better guest turn-out this way.

There is a ton of information on etiquette and housewarming themes...check out Pinterest if you're looking for more, specific information.

Okay, that's all...that's all the 'domesticated woman' stuff that I care to type out for now...

Next post won't be as naggy, promise!

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