Thursday, February 12, 2015

Car Troubles...

Well, I've got another 'car catastrophe' that I can add to my list of experiences...

Gotta love cars, right?
Yesterday afternoon, while driving to my apartment, my car overheated and did that lovely spewing smoke thing...

Luckily, I was able to pull off the main road and camp out in a parking lot until my dad was able to come and help me out...but yeah. Nothing like car troubles to brighten up your day! [Obscene amounts of sarcasm!]

Now, I'm pretty sure that my dad will never read this post [he doesn't internet nearly as much as I do], but he definitely deserves a 'my dad is an awesome dad' shout-out!

At this point, I'm still not exactly sure what's going on with the troublesome vehicle, but I'm hoping that the issue isn't going to be exorbitantly expensive to fix. My family has had quite the string of bad luck with cars...lots of repairs and lots of money for said repairs...but I'm hoping that things turn around soon...even bad luck runs out eventually, right?

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