Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Madly in Love with Me Day!

So, it's Friday the 13th...

Today is also:
- Employee Legal Awareness Day
- Get A Different Name Day
- Madly in Love with Me Day
- National Tortellini Day
- Desperation Day
- Blame Someone Else Day
- World Radio Day
- International Condom Day

I hope you enjoy whichever is your celebration of choice!

*Note: I chose to title the post "Happy Madly in Love with Me Day," because I thought it sounded like a perfectly hilarious and sarcastic 'holiday.' I was leaning more towards a Sue Sylvester-esque sort of sentiment....and then, I read articles about the 'holiday' and learned that it's actually part of the ever-ridiculous 'female empowerment' movement.../sigh

Sooooo....let me throw my unsolicited view on the 'holiday' out there...I think it would be far more appropriate if the day were meant for all people. Male, female, or otherwise, I think all people should feel comfortable loving themselves...after all, if you can't love yourself, can you truly love someone else?

And just in case you don't know what Sue Sylvester shenanigan I'm referring to:

In the 8th episode of the 2nd season of Glee, Sue Sylvester plans to get herself. Yep!

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