Monday, July 21, 2014

Temperaments and Ninjas...

Hope you all had a good weekend full of either lots of fun stuff or relaxation, whichever you prefer. I had a pretty decent weekend, my only complaint would be that it was too short, though I think most people have the same thoughts every Monday morning...

On Saturday, I was talking with my brother about the MBTI post from earlier. Though the statistical likelihood of us having the same MBTI result is rather low, we both consistently score as INFJs, so that's pretty awesome. My sister completed the questionnaire, too, and got ESFP. If you've ever met my sister, you'd definitely agree that it's pretty darn accurate. A few others let me know what their results were as well, sounds like they were pretty spot on! So despite the MBTI being pretty much 'just for fun,' I think it can be said that there is at least a tiny bit of validity to its results.

On a similar note, my brother and I got to talking about some of the many other personality tests that are available, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) in particular. Seems to me like this test works well in conjunction with the MBTI and gives you another facet to consider when examining personalities. Here's the link to the version of the test that I took this morning:

And here's the screenshot of my results screen:
I know the picture might be a little hard to read, but I've been placed in the "Idealist" category, and if you look at the brief description below that, you'll see that INFJ is listed as an 'idealist - counselor.'  So that's pretty cool. I don't know near as much about the KTS-II as I do the MBTI, but I'm definitely going to read up on it. For those who are interested, I'm posting graphs that list some common traits/behaviors by groups.
Can I just take a minute to laugh at the INFJ 'stress behavior' bit? Not saying it isn't's just funny to see it written that way...

I also spent a good deal of time watching way too many episodes of Naruto...though, when it comes to Naruto, I don't think there actually is such a thing as too many episodes!

Pretty sure it isn't healthy to get as attached to fictional characters like I do, but they're just so darn amazing! Hulu has all the episodes (at least I'm pretty sure it's all of them) available, and a good portion of them have a dubbed option as well as subtitled. Though, if you're going to watch an anime, you really should be watching subtitled episodes rather than dubbed. Something about Japanese words/names trying to pronounced by Americans who really have no clue what they're saying...just, no. And I still cringe when I watch one of the early episodes when Naruto is younger and runs around adding "Dattebayo!" after just about everything he says...there is no English translation for this phrase! So the solution? Let's have Naruto obnoxiously say "BELIEVE IT!" because it looks about the same! /Sigh....

Anyway, you should check it out, it's a really cool anime. There's just something about Naruto's undying determination that I find ridiculously motivating. I know it sounds lame, but watching the show and feeling as if I can personally relate to some of its characters has actually helped me get through some pretty tough times. 

Fan art of Kakashi Hatake - one of my absolute favorites!
Last thing:

Edit: I switched out videos. I like this one better than the one I had originally posted. This one has scenes from the more recent Shippuden episodes that I've been watching as opposed to the earlier episodes when the characters are much younger.
This is an AMV that a fan made to Trapt's "Headstrong." Love this video so much! I'll watch it from time to time if I'm feeling pathetically wimpy and it brings me back to focus on the task at hand and reminds me that you only truly lose if you give up. I'll never give up or back down for that is my ninja way, dattebayo!! ^_^

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