Friday, July 18, 2014

Morning Ramblings...

Good morning! It's finally Friday, and to most people that means the end of the workweek and the beginning of that glorious stretch of free time known as the weekend. And then, you've got people like me who are more or less self-employed AND a single parent, and the weekend is just a smidge less fabulous and stress-free and more like a slightly less soul-crushing workday.

Yeah, so there's that. Not a terribly optimistic point-of-view, but hey, I haven't had my coffee really, It's a miracle that I can even function at this point.

I wanted to briefly introduce a few things that will very likely be recurring themes in my blog posts, that way anyone who decides to read it might have a better idea of what I'm talking about rather than blindly stumbling through my seemingly incoherent mumblings. The first of these is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI for short).

The MBTI is a quick and dirty, yes/no type questionnaire that is often used for determining personality types. The premise behind the 'test' is that the vast majority of people's personalities fall somewhere in the grand spectrum of extrovert and introvert (duh) and it attempts to determine where you fall in that huge array of possibilities. The questions are based around a 4-axis approach to personality: extrovert/introvert, intuitive/sensing, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. After answering the questionnaire, the results allow you to see which of the two possibilities you lean most towards on all 4 axes. (Evidently, 'axes' is the correct plural form of 'axis,' kind of odd, isn't it?)  Now, I'm not absolutely positive that this is the same online version of the questionnaire that I've taken before, but it seems like it would probably do the trick if there is anyone who would like to see what their MBTI classification might be:

HumanMetric Jung Typology Test (MBTI)

And here is a link to webpage that does a better job of explaining the possible results:

MBTI Basics

My results have consistently been 'INFJ.' Not sure if the link above breaks down the estimated percentages of the population that makes up each of the 16 types, but most sources will say that INFJ makes up the smallest percentile of the population. (Read: INFJ types are the most rare!) Some people will say that results of the questionnaire are rather unreliable. They argue that if an individual completes the questionnaire, there is a 50% chance that if the same individual takes it again in as little as 5 weeks, they will receive a completely different type. However, I am not in that 50%. I've completed the questionnaire several times over the years and always receive the INFJ type result. So, I think it's pretty safe to say that my results are consistent.

Now, a word of caution about MBTI personality typing: the results are far from scientific. They're somewhere between astrological horoscopes and polygraph tests as far as accuracy goes. (Okay, maybe a touch more accurate astrology since individual input is required rather than just a birthday) So if you do decide to take the questionnaire, just keep that in mind. Although it is kind of sciency, sort of, it's mostly just for fun.

So, why did I decide to introduce the topic of MBTI personality types only to turn around and say that it isn't scientifically valid?

Learning that my MBTI type is INFJ has actually proven to be helpful for me, personally. It allowed me an insight as to why I may not always have the easiest time relating to other people as well as why it might seem to me that 'no one gets me.' Researching INFJ traits, behaviors, and such has given me access to entirely new sources of information that I hadn't previously considered. I've found blogs and articles on the INFJ personality types and have actually picked up a few pointers on how I can change my perception of situations so that I might be able to see more than the surface drama of whatever the situation might be. It's also been somewhat of a source of comfort to know that I'm not the only person who sees the world the way that I do. (Read my blog for long enough, and you'll probably see what I'm talking about...not saying that my views are necessarily right or wrong, but a lot of people will most definitely agree that they're different...)

My undergraduate degree is in psychology, and I did a good bit of work with a few PhD's who specialized in personalities, so I find this topic to be particularly interesting! If you happen to take the questionnaire, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email telling me what your results really, it would be awesome if you did, it'd give me something to read up on later. :)

Wow, that turned into a much longer bit than I had initially anticipated. I wanted to touch on more topics, but I've exhausted my 'free time'...

I've posted a video from a YouTube channel that I follow pretty regularly - Agressive Comix. The girl in the video posts her thoughts/reviews of movies, video games, nerdcore stuff in general. Love her, love her videos, and love love love her sense of humor! Check it out, and then check out the YouTube channel if you like the video that I've posted here. 

Okay, I have got to go find some source of caffeine. Bye for now! 

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