Thursday, July 17, 2014

As the first official post of this blog, I suppose it's the proper place to make introductions.
  - Can I just take a minute to say that I absolutely despise introductions?? I can't think of anything that can insight a twinge of anxiety and dread as efficiently as the phrase, "Now, let's go around the room and introduce yourself to the rest of the group!" Uggggh. No amount of mental preparedness can make it less nerve racking as you sit waiting on your turn...what do I say? What if I sound like an absolute idiot? Am I sweaty?? When did it get to be a million degrees in here?!? Yeah, way too much anxiety going on in those situations...introductions are almost as bad as hearing that "we need to talk." /shudder 

Rambling tangents aside, my name's Tammy and you've made it to my blog! 

This means that we are probably friends on Facebook, family, or you're one of my dear friends (either in real life or in some virtual capacity) and you've caved to my incessant pleas to check out my blog. Either way a big thank you for taking the time to scope out this page and reading it, or at least staying on it long enough to register that I've had another page view! And if you're one of the people that do not fit to any of the previously mentioned categories, I also thank you for visiting my blog and apologize for any of my random thought process or quirks that you may not understand. (Though, I've been often told that a good bit of those traits can be rather endearing...either that or make people want to punch kittens...I guess it's hit or miss, really. But either way, they definitely contribute to my Tammy-ness.) <- Get it? It's a movie reference! Name that movie!

So from the little bit of research that I've conducted on blogging...yes, I actually did research blogging, go ahead and commence the eye rolling...I'm supposed to pick a 'theme' of sorts for my blog, that way people that visit my page can more or less know what to expect. Well, I guess I'll say, for now, that I intend for my blog to be the Seinfeld of the blogoshpere. You know how Seinfeld is often heralded as the show that is about nothing? That's what I intend for this blog to be. An accumulation of the randomness that is my daily life, and my feeble attempts to make sense of it all. You can expect to see my views on everything from video games, movies, and snack foods to politics, parenting, and religion. If I think of it, I'll write about it!
I decided to start up this blog as a means of clearing my head of all the unnecessary junk rattling around up there while hopefully not driving my friends and family insane. 

I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this post up here. I know it's a bit short (or at least it is to me, but I know I can ramble..) and I plan on writing another post later on today...maybe. If I can decide on a topic to write about, I'll write up a post...that being said, I'm open to suggestions...anyone??

*cricket* *cricket*

(Yes, I'm aware that the sound a cricket makes is actually a "chirp" and not "cricket"...but really, would it have made any sense to say *chirp* *chirp*...)

I highly suggest that you click on the links above if you're not familiar with Seinfeld. 1) I grew up with the show so I toss around quotes and don't even realize that most people have no idea what I'm talking about and 2) you're just plain missing out!

*Insert witty closing line here* (I will absolutely google one for later!)

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