Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Girly vs. Manly Soda Cans...

Tried several times to publish this post, but the iPad wasn't exactly cooperating last night. I'm on a desktop now, so hopefully I'll be able to complete the post. 

This afternoon, my brother and I had a brief conversation about the newest Coke marketing scheme. I'm sure you all have noticed that all varieties of Coke have a "share a Coke with _______" on the label. Well, a doctor that my brother works with made the observation that Coke Zero and Diet Coke are essentially the same product that's been marketed towards different genders. Coke Zero is marketed to a more male demographic and Diet Coke towards female. Now, we both agreed that the two different diet sodas don't taste the same and that changing the label (coke zero with its black label is considered to be more masculine than diet coke with its silver labels) couldn't have that much of an impact on whether a guy or girl would be more likely to choose one over the other. So, to test the doctor's theory, I bought a 12-pack of both varieties of the diet drinks. Turns out, the doctor had a good point. The labels on the Coke Zero cans were decidedly more masculine than those of the Diet Coke cans. Well played, Coke, well played.
"Girly" Cans

"Manly" Cans

So there's that. Kind of interesting, but not very important.

Not even six posts in and I'm already running out of ideas for things to write about! It's harder than I originally thought to come up with topics that I can write about that don't sound overly academic or like selfish whining.../shrug* oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something. ^_^

*writing in this format is a type of 'gamerspeak' and you'll probably notice that I do this quite often. The '/' indicates an action. Guess typing like that is a leftover habit from my World of Warcraft days.../sigh I miss those days...sometimes. 

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