Thursday, January 21, 2016

Worst Weather Ever... epic plans for the weekend have been thwarted. /cry

Weather Map...

I Hayt U....

See these maps?? See all the mess all over them?!?

That's winter storm Jonas. 

I hate winter storm Jonas. [When did they start naming winter storms?? Has that always been a thing and I've just been some blissfully unaware Southerner??]

Winter storm Jonas is responsible for the ruin of my fantastically epic weekend plans. /pout

Just in case there's anyone wasn't able to put together the clues from the previous post...this weekend, I'd planned on going to Nashville with my awesome boyfriend to see the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses perform. [My readers are brilliant, so I'm sure you guys figured it out ^_^] Sounds incredible, doesn't it?!?
I Feel Ya, Gir....

All was on track for this weekend...hotel room was booked, pre- and post-performance plans were made...and then I got the dreaded phone call alerting me to the newly altered, postponed concert date.

Sooooo, looks like my epic weekend will have to wait for a few more months. [I bought the tickets way back in October, so I'm not a big fan of having to wait longer...but /shrug what can I do....] Any suggestions on ways to pass the time?

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