Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Adorable Distractions...


It's been a bit of a frustrating/exhausting morning for me, so far...[I recommend working with family to no one. Absolutely no one.]

However, I have a feeling that I'll end up shoving these nasty feelings somewhere down into the deep recesses of my psyche...and then I'll get over it. Soooo, rather than write out a rant-y, whiny post about my crap morning...I'm posting pictures of several adorable Shiba Inus [is the plural of 'shiba inu' supposed to be 'shiba inus' or 'shiba inu'? I've got no idea...]

These adorable, super Asian dogs are my obsession of the day....hooray for cuteness! [Boo on crap mornings!]

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