Thursday, November 5, 2015

YouTube Stuffs...

Soooo, I was sitting at my desk, trying to come up with a topic to post about that wasn't related to Meyers-Briggs [I realize that the topic probably doesn't interest everyone as much as it does me...], but...I can't come up with anything. /pout

Instead, I've decided to post some of the awesome things that I've recently found on YouTube...

- I've been watching a lot of Markiplier's brother introduced me to him a few months ago [thanks, bro!]. 

Markiplier is fairly well-known for his Five Nights at Freddie's was bingeing on his FNF videos that brought me to really like his stuff.

His channel covers a decent range of game types and original funnies...I'll admit to spending more than one afternoon watching his videos just to see his reactions to jumpscares! [His reactions truly are the best!]

I really like his style of narration [though, it can get a little grating, at times]...listening to him reminds me of times when my brother and I used to game together...the random gibberish, the ridiculous taunting, and then the freak-outs which always dissolve into nonsensical swearing...yep...good times.

I've also been watching several gaming videos by JackSepticEye...

I found his YouTube page when I was watching a list of 'horror games' that BuzzFeed put together for Halloween. [I linked to the BuzzFeed article...but I can't remember which games are Jack's]

I'll admit that I don't really know that much about Jack...I'm not even sure that Jack's his actual name /nervouschuckle

Buuuuut, I do know that he's got an absolutely adorable Irish accent and he talks about video games. Which is a double-win, in my opinion.

The Piano Guys!!
Another of my favorites is ThePianoGuys. Seriously. I love these guys!

I really, really like how they take pop songs and arrange them for the piano and the cello...for example, they do 'Cello Wars' which is a Star Wars parody. So. Good. My kiddo asks to hear it at least once a week!

They're rendition of 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' gives me chills and makes me tear up every time I hear it. Every. Time.

Alright...this post has taken me way too long to write. [I started it back in mid-October!] I've got plenty of stuff to post about but just haven't really felt any motivation to actually write them out...I'm a bad blogger...but I promise I'll try to do better!!

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