Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Gamer Awakes...

So, today, I finally found another gaming avenue...

I downloaded Steam!! [Yeah, yeah, I know it isn't a new thing...but it's new to me, so, I'm excited!]

I'd read about Steam as a gaming platform a good while back but never felt any need to download it. Lately, I've been feeling as if there's a significant lack of 'good' console games...of course, this could be because I've been limiting my purchases to 'kid-friendly' games. Nothing is more depressing than walking into Game Stop and not being able to find anything that sounds appealing. I could practically feel my inner-Gamer just wasting away...

I'm hoping that expanding my gaming options to include those available through Steam will revive the awesome Gamer side of me that I've been missing...

My first purchase through Steam is The Stanley Parable...

After playing through the demo and reading several positive reviews, I'm feeling pretty good about this game! It's supposed to be a story-driven game...one in which you have the character make decisions and then see how those decisions pan out...me likey these types of games...I will definitely let you guys know more about the game once I've had a chance to start playing it! [Soooo, after the kiddo goes to bed!]

Is it silly to be so excited about a new game? [Or, is it the revival of a vital part of myself that has been dormant for too long that I truly find exciting?]


  1. Always been more of an Xbox person myself, however between working all the time and taking care of my kids its hard to find the time anymore. I've been playing Batman Arkham origins for 4 months.

    1. Ah, yes, I too am familiar with gaming taking a backseat to kiddos and work...luckily, my kiddo loves to play games with me and the Lego games are pretty entertaining ^_^ I'm a big fan of just about any Batman game...except for Batman Returns on the SNES...something about those clowns.../shudder
