Thursday, June 4, 2015

Just Another Day...

Good morning...

Hope you guys are having a good week...mine has been a roller coaster of a week. And not the fun kind, either!

Good news: the family/hospitalization crisis has gotten much, much better. Lots of progress has been made and the whole situation has markedly improved! [At this point, I should probably apologize to all of the nurses and PAs that I relentlessly grilled for information. /nervous chuckle] We've still got a long way to go, but I'm beyond relieved that things are in better shape than a week ago.

Mostly accurate depiction of my desk

Less-than-good news: I am drowning in work. At this point, I could probably work for a good 16 hours straight and maybe get caught up. Not 'ahead', mind you, but caught up.'s pretty grim on the work front...

Aside from work, driving to/from the hospital, and dealing with the family crisis, there isn't much going's to hoping that things settle down a bit, though. One of these days, I'd like to have some sort of semblance of free time again!

Ending this post with a GIF that I laughed at for much longer than warranted..../giggle

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