Thursday, June 23, 2016

More Videos!!

Hey guys!!

If you happen to remember, in my previous post I'd mentioned that the boyfriend and I were going to put together a little 'introduction' video for our new YouTube channel....

Well, we made said video and uploaded it last night!

It's not super long, but it quickly goes over what sort of videos to expect on our channel.

Bonus: if you've been a reader of my blog and ever wondered what me and my boyfriend looked/sounded like, now you'll know!

It's a brand new channel, so there isn't a ton of content uploaded yet...but I'm sure we'll be adding more videos soon! I've got a couple of my boyfriend reacting to various 'big' Game of Thrones scenes that I plan to upload by the end of the week...

So, yeah...

Please do check us out and if you like the video and think you'll like the sort of stuff that we'll post, please subscribe!

P.S. - Isn't my boyfriend just the cutest?!? ^_^

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Moving, Vacations, and YouTube...

Hey guys!!

I know it's been forever since I last posted, my apologies. There's been quite a lot going on for me lately and I hadn't managed to find the time to write any new posts [and if I'm being honest, I just hadn't really felt like posting much...] but, no worries...because I'm back!

Hmmm...I wonder what all could have been going on?

Well, moving, for starters. At the beginning of June, I moved into new apartment that's in the same complex I've been living in for the last year or so...want to know something that feels like an absolute exercise in futility? Having to pack up all of your stuff just to move it across a parking lot....yep, tons of fun. But, luckily, I had lots of help from my spectacularly fantastic boyfriend ^_^ Seriously though, without his help, the move wouldn't have gone nowhere near as smoothly as it did. Which brings me to another new development...

Not that I think my boyfriend wouldn't have helped me out anyway, but there was a huge contributing factor that I haven't mentioned yet...

We've officially moved in together :)

Things have been going really well, so far....and I'm sure that they'll continue to do so, he and I get along really well and make an awesome team <3 [I love you, HoneyBear!]

Also, the boyfriend, kiddo, and I got to spend some time at the beach! We went down to Panama City Beach about 2 weeks ago and got a few extremely needed days to relax. Aaaand, I managed to get a bit of a tan! [Kind of a big deal since I hardly ever spend time in the sun]

And that brings me to the last little update that I wanted to tell you guys about:

I'm on YouTube!! The boyfriend and I have started up a YouTube channel ^_^

As of right now, we aren't exactly sure what direction we want our channel to take...but we're thinking it'll probably be where we post videos of us gaming and being nerds, in general. We're planning on uploading an official 'introduction' video sometime this week, but we've already posted a video for you guys to check out!

***Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen this week's Game of Thrones episode...(season 6, episode 9)...and for the love of all the old gods and the the episode!!***

Our first video is of us watching the death of Westeros' most hate-worthy boyfriend's reaction is definitely more entertaining than mine [unless you like muppet-esque frowns!]...

Well, there's the video! Please like it and subscribe to our channel...we'll have more content loaded up soon ^_^

Okay, that's all I've got for now...hope you guys have a good day!