Monday, October 12, 2015

Fe vs Fi [More INFJ vs INFP]

So, I'm still researching the differences between INFJ and INFP...

Turns out, the -J and -P functions are quite polar...its far more than being more judging vs more perceiving...swapping out the -J and -P drastically changes which functions a person primarily uses and the way that functions are prioritized...[Explaining this will require me brushing up on the introverted/extraverted aspects of personality functions...I've found a few good sources for info, now I'm just working my way through it all...]

That being said...while I do think it could be entirely possible for a person to be 'borderline' between two [or more] MBTI types, I'm not sure how likely it would be that a person could truly be borderline INFJ/INFP...the two types are simply too different!

I found this video a couple of months ago...I think it does really good job of illustrating the difference between a person who is Fi [Introverted feeling - found in INFPs] and someone who is Fe [Extraverted feeling - found in INFJs].

The video is a little bit long [almost 7 minutes], but entirely worth the my opinion, anyway...The video is pretty self-explanatory. There's bits of text in it that explain which behaviors you should be taking note of as classing INFP or INFJ.

After watching the video, I've got to say that I still feel pretty confident that my MBTI type is INFJ...but, I will keep looking into this. You know...for science!!

INFJ vs INFP...Differences?

So, something unexpected happened this morning...

Being the curious sort that I am, I've found myself thinking a good bit about personality types lately [again].

- If you've visited my blog before, you probably have read at least one post where I reference being 'INFJ'...INFJ has consistently been my Meyers-Briggs personality type. And in typical INFJ fashion, I'm pretty proud of being able to say that I belong to the small percentage of people that make up the rarest personality type out of the 16 possible MBTI outcomes . 

I was browsing around on Pinterest this morning, as I do most mornings when I find myself waking too early...[some of my MBTI Pinterest them to make them large enough to read...]

Not really sure why, but I decided to re-take the MBTI assessment this morning and I had some interesting results...

HumanMetrics delivered the expected, reassuring results of INFJ...but, 16personalities threw me a bit of a curve ball...

According to 16personalities, I'm an INFP !!!

Seeing the different [and yet, very similar] results piqued my interest in learning what the differences between the two types are...which boils down to what exactly is the difference between J and P [judging/perceiving].

Well...what I thought would be a quick, 2-minute google searched answer actually ended up being much more complex!

Soooo, what I'm going to do is research it and then share my findings here when I feel like I've got a decent understanding of what makes an INFJ different from an INFP...findings could potentially span several posts, so check back soon!