Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Walker Stalker Con - Atlanta 2014

I was looking through Groupon not too long ago, not really looking for anything in particular, and I stumbled across something amazing!

I had no idea this was even a thing! It's a convention that's dedicated to all things zombie, especially AMC's show The Walking Dead! 

Above is a very small portion of the ridiculously impressive guest list for the event. Did I mention that the list is ridiculously impressive? Because it is!! Click on the link and check it out! Do it!

In addition to the Walking Dead stars that are scheduled to appear, there's more! Game of Thrones fans, do you recognize this guy? 
  Jason Momoa, known by the GoT fandom as Khal Drogo, is also going to be there!

Still not enticing enough? Okay, here's something for the Vampire Diaries fans...

Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley are going to be there, too!

And seriously, ladies, you KNOW you'd go just to see Ian...

Ok, I know I would!

One of the Walking Dead authors is going to be there, two of the make-up artists from the SyFy series Face Off are going to be much awesome!

It's in October, so that leaves a good bit of time to get a trip planned. Someone go with me to this awesomefest!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

TV Shows and T-Shirts...

Had a ton of work to do yesterday (if my last post seems a bit scattered, its because I was writing the post a few minutes at a time to give my brain a break from melting...). Working late took up all of my gaming/Netflix/Hulu time so I still have no idea how Beyond: Two Souls ends. Boo, work, boo.

Though, I did end up watching a few shows on the National Geographic channel that were pretty good and definitely worth checking out. 

First is Going Deep. As far as I can tell, this show is on it's first season, but I think it's a great concept! The host, David Rees, explores some of the things that people do on a daily basis without giving it a second's thought. He looks at some of the science involved in carrying out those tasks and it makes you reconsider how simple "simple" things really are. Plus, he's sarcastic and a lot of the times, yeah, I feel like he and I would be great friends in real life. Anyone know how to make that happen? (Link to the show's page below. Check it out!)
Another show that I'm a big fan of is Brain Games. Lots of optical illusions, lots of science-y explanations for brain stuff, and lots of "hey! you can try this at home!" stuff. This show has been around longer than Going Deep, so I'm pretty sure most people have at least heard of it even if they've never watched it. Again, link to the show's page. 

Alright, jumping topics now.

Found this little gem while scrolling through Pinterest yesterday:
Wonder if I'd get a discount if I ordered seven of these...
The shirt is made by a start-up company...I read their "About Us" info on their website, but I can't remember much about the company itself. (Okay, not sure if the first-waking-up bleary-eyed staring at my phone really counts as reading...) But I approve of their shirts. Would anyone like to donate to the "Tammy Needs This Awesome Shirt" fund? [ Buy Me! ] Just in case you wanna check out their other awesome shirts, too.


An appraiser's work is never done...and I've still got tons to do. Hooray! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Do Entities Have Hands? (Beyond:Two Souls...Yes, Please!)

Happy there's an oxymoron.

I spent a portion of the weekend nursing a killer migraine, which I strongly recommend be avoided if possible...but whenever I didn't feel like my head might implode, I spent some of the time playing Beyond: Two Souls. So, I'll briefly describe what was one the of most bizarre, yet intriguing gaming experiences I've had thus far.

Beyond: Two Souls came out last year and is brought to us by QuanticDream, a French video game developer. Several years ago, QuanticDream brought us Heavy Rain, a game that is often heralded as a gamer's "must play."

It is undoubtedly the gameplay mechanisms that set these two apart from the just about every other game that I've spent a good amount of time on. Unlike a typical FPS, RPG, or RTS game, both of these games are "interactive drama action-adventure video games." (Thank you google!) Meaning that these games are actually more like movies or books, I always tell people that it's a lot like those old "Choose Your Own Adventure Books." Remember those?
These books were the best!

The game stars Ellen Page as the main character, Jodie Holmes. I know that she isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I, personally, really like Ellen Page. Big fan of her movies Juno and Hard Candy. Also in the game is Willem Defoe as Nathan...I honestly don't what his character's last name is. Just like on the big screen, these two do a wonderful job of bringing these characters to life. Having them in the game makes it all that much more movie-like.
The game goes through some of the more significant/traumatic memories of Jodie. The load screen, visible between chapters of the game and when loading from the main menu, is a timeline of events with new events appearing with each chapter completion. The game does not go through the chapters in chronological order, but the gameplay goes quite smoothly despite bouncing back an forth between portions of Jodie's timeline. Shortly after being introduced to the main character, you learn that she's not an ordinary girl. Jodie has an imaginary friend named Aiden who seems to be an ever-present source of chaos in her life. (I spent the first hour or so of the game thinking she was calling it Ivan lol) 

In the beginning, the game is intentionally vague about Aiden. We don't know what he is or how he came to be in Jodie's life, but it is certainly clear that he does exist (not a figment of Jodie's imagination) and that he creeps the bajeezus out of most people. Several chapters cover portions of Jodie's childhood and give us some insight to what Aiden is and how that effects Jodie's daily life. It is also during these chapters that we meet Nathan, a doctor of some sort that appears to specialize in paranormal activity. Nathan takes Jodie under his wing and continues the two seem to develop a father/daughter sort of relationship. In one of Jodie's first interactions with Nathan, he asks her if she would draw a picture of Aiden so that he can see what he looks like. 
Aww, isn't it an adorable little ball of terror...
Not much is known about Aiden in the beginning, and most people simply refer to it as an entity. But, as you can see from the picture, Aiden is somehow tethered to Jodie. The two are able to sort of communicate with each other, sort of. Their communication is Jodie talking to the space around her and Aiden knocking over things/scaring people/or ignoring her. During the game, you can actually play as both Jodie and Aiden, which is kind of neat.

So, the ability to make decisions for your character is one of my favorite features of this game. I first thought that I could only make game-altering choice as Jodie, but as the game progressed, I realized that I was making choices as Aiden as well...though those were more poltergeist-like and were either horribly boring or terrifying.
A good portion of Jodie's choices involve the way you interact with the other NPCs around you. As you can see in the picture that I posted of a hobo-chic Jodie, you can choose to be honest, shady, a flat-out liar, or just plain rude. The way you talk to the people around you can have a profound effect on the game and whether or not those around you are willing to help you if needed, distrust you, or decide that you look like a perfect mugging victim.
Most of the decision junctures in the game are rather benign, and occasionally you'll run into situations that seem a little more substantial like choosing who to rescue first and if you should dazzle people around you with your mystical Aiden entity.

And then this happened:
Yep, that's a very distraught Jodie. And yep, you have to choose whether she puts the knife down or uses it to attempt suicide (dirty knife, tetanus-y suicide). There are actually a few points in the game when Jodie contemplates suicide and you have to make a choice. Definitely a gaming first for me! Even though it's dark/disturbing, I think it also plays into how realistic of a story is being presented in this game. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows...and sometimes, people have to make really hard life choices...

Another key plot point in the game that caught me waaaay off guard was when Jodie had to help deliver a baby. Thankfully the game designers spared us almost all of the mentally scarring visuals that come along with an unplanned baby delivery...almost. I mean, I know that for it to be 'realistic' the baby must be born with the cord still intact (Jodie actually has to cut said cord) but c'mon. 

I don't want to spoil the game for anyone that might want to play it (highly recommended, by the way), but here's one more picture that I thought was share-worthy.
At least Aiden has nice hand writing...wait, do entities have hands?
I have no idea what all the little trophies are for...I used a Google search to find this screenshot. This scene is definitely a contender for the creepiest Aiden/Jodie interaction. 

I'm just about 3/4 finished with my first play through, can't wait to get to the end and finally learn what/who Aiden is and why he's attached to Jodie. Do you know how hard it is to search for game screenshots and not accidentally ruin the ending?!? Way too hard. 

Alright, y'all enjoy your Monday...if you need me I'll be gaming! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

'F' is for Fridays, Feelings, and Fjords...

So, I've been struggling to resist the urge to turn this blog into an online (and public) diary. I apologize in advance for this entry, but I think that at least a tiny bit of venting is a necessary evil. Otherwise, I'll just sit an stew in this mental mess for...probably the rest of time.

To enhance your reading experience, I offer this video to play in the background; a soundtrack, if you will:

This is "Sadness and Sorrow" from the Nartuo soundtrack. Every time there is a ridiculously heart-wrenching back story, someone pouring their heart out, or a sad/melancholy moment in general, this song is playing in the background. I know I've been watching too much anime when my internal monologues share the same soundtrack as the show I'm watching! Also, I think the girl in the video is a pretty awesome violinist! She's got a whole mess of videos on her YouTube channel, I highly recommend checking her out.

(I learned that the pictures that I post in my entries get big enough to actually read if you click on them, so pardon the ridiculously small text here...promise it's readable! Click on it!) 
It's no secret that I've got the tendency to be a overwhelmingly sensitive person, especially when it comes to the select few people that I actually let "in" to my life. So if you realize that you're one of these people, please tread lightly...despite my tough-girl demeanor, I'm actually quite warm and fuzzy on the inside. (But that's not to be spread around, okay? I've got a reputation to maintain...)

I know I post a lot of MBTI stuff, especially INFJ things, but I really feel like this particular statements sums up a particular struggle of mine quite nicely. 

Generally speaking, treat people nicely. People are not disposable objects. 

This harkens back to the title of my blog. I think a big portion of my disappointments with people/things are because I expect too much. I need to continue to work on remembering that the majority of people I encounter are not and will not be "like me." The things that I find distressing/important/silly are not going to be the same for other people. I need to remind myself of this whenever I feel as if someone is being intentionally mean or thoughtless...maybe the problem isn't actually what I think the problem is...maybe, it's my thoughts about the 'problem.' (See? Incorporating the bit of advice from the wonderful Captain Jack Sparrow that was mentioned in a previous entry!)

*I pity the fool who thinks his real name is "Mr. T"
This one is unfortunately rather specific, and I sincerely apologize for feeling the need to post it here. I'm hoping that by getting it out here, I won't harbor negative feelings (which has been my less-than-ideal way of coping with painful situations. Bury it down deep enough and the nasty feelings will eventually go away, right?). If you read this, you probably know who I'm referring to. But if you don't, let's just call this person 'Mr. T.'* 

This is very, very true! I don't have as much of a handle on this concept as I liked to think that I do...working on it though, and I get better at it everyday. 

Screenshot of my results from the Buzzfeed quiz "How Dateable Are You Actually?"...
found it to be rather amusing and thought I'd share it here rather than on my Facebook page. (I leave the Facebook postings for superhero/gaming awesomeness...I'll post all the stuff about warm, squishy feelings here instead!)

Posting this just because science humor is the best!

And finally, this puppy. Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?!?

Hope you all have the most fantastic of Fridays, thank you for enduring my feeling-bearing blog post. I promise to keep these to a minimum! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Buddy Needed!

A few weeks back I discovered this place:

Doesn't It Look Awesome?!?
Here's the website: First Avenue Rocks

It's this giant indoor playground of rock climbing-type stuff! I checked out their site, and they sell passes to climb by the day. So, you could go climbing in the morning, take a break for lunch, and then come back that afternoon, too! As an added bonus, I got an email from Groupon offering a discount on their already amazing day passes AND climbing shoe rental.

So here's the deal: the Groupon deal is for day passes for two people. I haven't checked to see if it was something that I might be able to split up and use on two different days, but in the event that it isn't possible to do so, I need someone to go with me! 

Any takers?? Come on. You know it looks like an amazing time! 

But seriously, if anyone might like to go, send me an email!! 

(Seriously! I mean, I will go alone if I have to...but I don't really want to...)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Girly vs. Manly Soda Cans...

Tried several times to publish this post, but the iPad wasn't exactly cooperating last night. I'm on a desktop now, so hopefully I'll be able to complete the post. 

This afternoon, my brother and I had a brief conversation about the newest Coke marketing scheme. I'm sure you all have noticed that all varieties of Coke have a "share a Coke with _______" on the label. Well, a doctor that my brother works with made the observation that Coke Zero and Diet Coke are essentially the same product that's been marketed towards different genders. Coke Zero is marketed to a more male demographic and Diet Coke towards female. Now, we both agreed that the two different diet sodas don't taste the same and that changing the label (coke zero with its black label is considered to be more masculine than diet coke with its silver labels) couldn't have that much of an impact on whether a guy or girl would be more likely to choose one over the other. So, to test the doctor's theory, I bought a 12-pack of both varieties of the diet drinks. Turns out, the doctor had a good point. The labels on the Coke Zero cans were decidedly more masculine than those of the Diet Coke cans. Well played, Coke, well played.
"Girly" Cans

"Manly" Cans

So there's that. Kind of interesting, but not very important.

Not even six posts in and I'm already running out of ideas for things to write about! It's harder than I originally thought to come up with topics that I can write about that don't sound overly academic or like selfish whining.../shrug* oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something. ^_^

*writing in this format is a type of 'gamerspeak' and you'll probably notice that I do this quite often. The '/' indicates an action. Guess typing like that is a leftover habit from my World of Warcraft days.../sigh I miss those days...sometimes. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Temperaments and Ninjas...

Hope you all had a good weekend full of either lots of fun stuff or relaxation, whichever you prefer. I had a pretty decent weekend, my only complaint would be that it was too short, though I think most people have the same thoughts every Monday morning...

On Saturday, I was talking with my brother about the MBTI post from earlier. Though the statistical likelihood of us having the same MBTI result is rather low, we both consistently score as INFJs, so that's pretty awesome. My sister completed the questionnaire, too, and got ESFP. If you've ever met my sister, you'd definitely agree that it's pretty darn accurate. A few others let me know what their results were as well, sounds like they were pretty spot on! So despite the MBTI being pretty much 'just for fun,' I think it can be said that there is at least a tiny bit of validity to its results.

On a similar note, my brother and I got to talking about some of the many other personality tests that are available, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) in particular. Seems to me like this test works well in conjunction with the MBTI and gives you another facet to consider when examining personalities. Here's the link to the version of the test that I took this morning:

And here's the screenshot of my results screen:
I know the picture might be a little hard to read, but I've been placed in the "Idealist" category, and if you look at the brief description below that, you'll see that INFJ is listed as an 'idealist - counselor.'  So that's pretty cool. I don't know near as much about the KTS-II as I do the MBTI, but I'm definitely going to read up on it. For those who are interested, I'm posting graphs that list some common traits/behaviors by groups.
Can I just take a minute to laugh at the INFJ 'stress behavior' bit? Not saying it isn't's just funny to see it written that way...

I also spent a good deal of time watching way too many episodes of Naruto...though, when it comes to Naruto, I don't think there actually is such a thing as too many episodes!

Pretty sure it isn't healthy to get as attached to fictional characters like I do, but they're just so darn amazing! Hulu has all the episodes (at least I'm pretty sure it's all of them) available, and a good portion of them have a dubbed option as well as subtitled. Though, if you're going to watch an anime, you really should be watching subtitled episodes rather than dubbed. Something about Japanese words/names trying to pronounced by Americans who really have no clue what they're saying...just, no. And I still cringe when I watch one of the early episodes when Naruto is younger and runs around adding "Dattebayo!" after just about everything he says...there is no English translation for this phrase! So the solution? Let's have Naruto obnoxiously say "BELIEVE IT!" because it looks about the same! /Sigh....

Anyway, you should check it out, it's a really cool anime. There's just something about Naruto's undying determination that I find ridiculously motivating. I know it sounds lame, but watching the show and feeling as if I can personally relate to some of its characters has actually helped me get through some pretty tough times. 

Fan art of Kakashi Hatake - one of my absolute favorites!
Last thing:

Edit: I switched out videos. I like this one better than the one I had originally posted. This one has scenes from the more recent Shippuden episodes that I've been watching as opposed to the earlier episodes when the characters are much younger.
This is an AMV that a fan made to Trapt's "Headstrong." Love this video so much! I'll watch it from time to time if I'm feeling pathetically wimpy and it brings me back to focus on the task at hand and reminds me that you only truly lose if you give up. I'll never give up or back down for that is my ninja way, dattebayo!! ^_^

Friday, July 18, 2014

Texting, Don't Do It...

So...I have the distinguished honor of being renowned as a fairly awkward person. Normally, it's rather funny and the only person that experiences discomfort is myself. Want examples? You could ask just about anyone that I worked with at BioLife and I'm sure they could easily give you half a dozen examples. At one point, a special "Most Awkward" label was made for my name tag. Good times, good times...

But anyway, if you think being awkward in person isn't bad enough, try being someone that has awkward tendencies and then being nervous on top of that. And then take it one step farther and throw texting into the mix...word of advice? Just no. Just don't do it.

Where is this random nugget of golden advice coming from? Experience. True story.

I also think this might be a good point to interject the commonly known definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and continuing to expect a different outcome.

I realize that this post is probably pointless for most people that will read it, but I hope that you'll overlook it and indulge me my mini-venting post for it is sorely needed.

The past few months have been a purely chaotic roller coaster for so many different aspects of my daily life...if it were to be made into a movie, I think even Tim Burton would feel like I've been through a bit much. (Probably a terrible example, but it's the best I could come up with at the moment...)

But, the good news, if there is any to be found, is that through it all I heave managed to learn a thing or two.
1) people are not mind readers. If there is something that you want someone else to know, short of hiring sky writers to do it for you, there's virtually no way to get around telling them. It might suck, it might be embarrassing, but could it really be worse than having to live with that whole "what if" thought process? Sometimes the answer is yes! Sometimes it would actually be a better choice to lick a New York City sidewalk than to put your feelings out there for someone to do with as they please. But the only way to find out for sure is to say it. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then just do it. And really, really try not to throw up on whomever it is you're speaking to
2) people cannot be analyzed. This was actually a point that my brother brought to my attention. Maybe it's because of my scientific thought processes that I thought it would only be logical to look at people with that same sort of processing. I foolishly thought that if you take someone and observe their behaviors, that you could more or less reason what their next action might be. Even more foolishly, I thought it would be possible to take someone's behaviors and analyze them to determine what their thoughts and motives were. Now, these things are to some extent possible, but how accurate could any guesses or assumptions actually be? My brother reminded me that people are actually very poor subjects for this sort of analysis because, at the end of the day, people are simply going to do what they want to do, and a lot of the times there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to their actions. At least none that an outside observer could discern. Seems like that pesky free-will stuff always interferes.
3) I learned that it truly is up to myself to react to a situation in whatever manner I choose to react. I was going to include a picture here, but I'm posting from my iPad and I'm not really sure how to post pictures. The picture is a quote from everyone's favorite pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow. "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?" How stupidly profound is that?? And I know this is common sense, but sometimes I can become so wrapped up in whatever the current problem is that I simpler cannot see the forest for all the trees.

So I've made the decision to continue to strive to make positive improvements in my life. One of which will be to try my best to objectively look at hardships and make the conscious decision to have control over my attitude.

But don't you guys worry, I fully intend to maintain my awesomely sarcastic sense of humor and will most likely continue to be entertainingly awkward...but hopefully I'll be less Eeyore and more Tigger.

But seriously, next time you see me or talk to me, get me to tell you my "moves like Jagger" story. Hilarious.

Morning Ramblings...

Good morning! It's finally Friday, and to most people that means the end of the workweek and the beginning of that glorious stretch of free time known as the weekend. And then, you've got people like me who are more or less self-employed AND a single parent, and the weekend is just a smidge less fabulous and stress-free and more like a slightly less soul-crushing workday.

Yeah, so there's that. Not a terribly optimistic point-of-view, but hey, I haven't had my coffee really, It's a miracle that I can even function at this point.

I wanted to briefly introduce a few things that will very likely be recurring themes in my blog posts, that way anyone who decides to read it might have a better idea of what I'm talking about rather than blindly stumbling through my seemingly incoherent mumblings. The first of these is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI for short).

The MBTI is a quick and dirty, yes/no type questionnaire that is often used for determining personality types. The premise behind the 'test' is that the vast majority of people's personalities fall somewhere in the grand spectrum of extrovert and introvert (duh) and it attempts to determine where you fall in that huge array of possibilities. The questions are based around a 4-axis approach to personality: extrovert/introvert, intuitive/sensing, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. After answering the questionnaire, the results allow you to see which of the two possibilities you lean most towards on all 4 axes. (Evidently, 'axes' is the correct plural form of 'axis,' kind of odd, isn't it?)  Now, I'm not absolutely positive that this is the same online version of the questionnaire that I've taken before, but it seems like it would probably do the trick if there is anyone who would like to see what their MBTI classification might be:

HumanMetric Jung Typology Test (MBTI)

And here is a link to webpage that does a better job of explaining the possible results:

MBTI Basics

My results have consistently been 'INFJ.' Not sure if the link above breaks down the estimated percentages of the population that makes up each of the 16 types, but most sources will say that INFJ makes up the smallest percentile of the population. (Read: INFJ types are the most rare!) Some people will say that results of the questionnaire are rather unreliable. They argue that if an individual completes the questionnaire, there is a 50% chance that if the same individual takes it again in as little as 5 weeks, they will receive a completely different type. However, I am not in that 50%. I've completed the questionnaire several times over the years and always receive the INFJ type result. So, I think it's pretty safe to say that my results are consistent.

Now, a word of caution about MBTI personality typing: the results are far from scientific. They're somewhere between astrological horoscopes and polygraph tests as far as accuracy goes. (Okay, maybe a touch more accurate astrology since individual input is required rather than just a birthday) So if you do decide to take the questionnaire, just keep that in mind. Although it is kind of sciency, sort of, it's mostly just for fun.

So, why did I decide to introduce the topic of MBTI personality types only to turn around and say that it isn't scientifically valid?

Learning that my MBTI type is INFJ has actually proven to be helpful for me, personally. It allowed me an insight as to why I may not always have the easiest time relating to other people as well as why it might seem to me that 'no one gets me.' Researching INFJ traits, behaviors, and such has given me access to entirely new sources of information that I hadn't previously considered. I've found blogs and articles on the INFJ personality types and have actually picked up a few pointers on how I can change my perception of situations so that I might be able to see more than the surface drama of whatever the situation might be. It's also been somewhat of a source of comfort to know that I'm not the only person who sees the world the way that I do. (Read my blog for long enough, and you'll probably see what I'm talking about...not saying that my views are necessarily right or wrong, but a lot of people will most definitely agree that they're different...)

My undergraduate degree is in psychology, and I did a good bit of work with a few PhD's who specialized in personalities, so I find this topic to be particularly interesting! If you happen to take the questionnaire, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email telling me what your results really, it would be awesome if you did, it'd give me something to read up on later. :)

Wow, that turned into a much longer bit than I had initially anticipated. I wanted to touch on more topics, but I've exhausted my 'free time'...

I've posted a video from a YouTube channel that I follow pretty regularly - Agressive Comix. The girl in the video posts her thoughts/reviews of movies, video games, nerdcore stuff in general. Love her, love her videos, and love love love her sense of humor! Check it out, and then check out the YouTube channel if you like the video that I've posted here. 

Okay, I have got to go find some source of caffeine. Bye for now! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

As the first official post of this blog, I suppose it's the proper place to make introductions.
  - Can I just take a minute to say that I absolutely despise introductions?? I can't think of anything that can insight a twinge of anxiety and dread as efficiently as the phrase, "Now, let's go around the room and introduce yourself to the rest of the group!" Uggggh. No amount of mental preparedness can make it less nerve racking as you sit waiting on your turn...what do I say? What if I sound like an absolute idiot? Am I sweaty?? When did it get to be a million degrees in here?!? Yeah, way too much anxiety going on in those situations...introductions are almost as bad as hearing that "we need to talk." /shudder 

Rambling tangents aside, my name's Tammy and you've made it to my blog! 

This means that we are probably friends on Facebook, family, or you're one of my dear friends (either in real life or in some virtual capacity) and you've caved to my incessant pleas to check out my blog. Either way a big thank you for taking the time to scope out this page and reading it, or at least staying on it long enough to register that I've had another page view! And if you're one of the people that do not fit to any of the previously mentioned categories, I also thank you for visiting my blog and apologize for any of my random thought process or quirks that you may not understand. (Though, I've been often told that a good bit of those traits can be rather endearing...either that or make people want to punch kittens...I guess it's hit or miss, really. But either way, they definitely contribute to my Tammy-ness.) <- Get it? It's a movie reference! Name that movie!

So from the little bit of research that I've conducted on blogging...yes, I actually did research blogging, go ahead and commence the eye rolling...I'm supposed to pick a 'theme' of sorts for my blog, that way people that visit my page can more or less know what to expect. Well, I guess I'll say, for now, that I intend for my blog to be the Seinfeld of the blogoshpere. You know how Seinfeld is often heralded as the show that is about nothing? That's what I intend for this blog to be. An accumulation of the randomness that is my daily life, and my feeble attempts to make sense of it all. You can expect to see my views on everything from video games, movies, and snack foods to politics, parenting, and religion. If I think of it, I'll write about it!
I decided to start up this blog as a means of clearing my head of all the unnecessary junk rattling around up there while hopefully not driving my friends and family insane. 

I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this post up here. I know it's a bit short (or at least it is to me, but I know I can ramble..) and I plan on writing another post later on today...maybe. If I can decide on a topic to write about, I'll write up a post...that being said, I'm open to suggestions...anyone??

*cricket* *cricket*

(Yes, I'm aware that the sound a cricket makes is actually a "chirp" and not "cricket"...but really, would it have made any sense to say *chirp* *chirp*...)

I highly suggest that you click on the links above if you're not familiar with Seinfeld. 1) I grew up with the show so I toss around quotes and don't even realize that most people have no idea what I'm talking about and 2) you're just plain missing out!

*Insert witty closing line here* (I will absolutely google one for later!)