Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tired and Haircuts...


I'm awake! I swear! zzzZZZzzz

I have no idea why, but I woke up absolutely exhausted this morning...I need to find some caffeine!

Don't you just love these kinds of mornings?

I went to bed at a 'reasonable time,' had what should have been a restful night of sleep, and then wake up feeling worse than I did before I went to bed in the first place! /Sigh

It probably doesn't help that I've had an incredibly busy work week. Seems like the appraisal business is constantly in some sort of up/down cycle...the last week and a half or so were very slow, and now we've got so much work that it's overwhelming. Oh well, better to be busy than bored, right?

Elsewhere in Gotham City...

I got my hair cut yesterday. [Note the impressive lack of enthusiasm!]

At the last minute, I chickened out and decided to get my hair cut into a short bob rather than a pixie cut. I showed the lady cutting my hair several different pictures of what I'd like, one of which was this adorable little blonde cut on Chelsea Staub...

Well...the cut I ended up with looks nothing like the picture. Nothing.

Yeah, this little gem on the right is much closer to the haircut that I ended up with.

Okay, I might be exaggerating...but only just a little.

I hate it.

And I'm not really sure what ended up happening either! But I'm going to give it a few days...see if I can make the new cut at least tolerable by styling it a few different ways, or something...but if not, then I'll go back and have the rest of my hair cut off into a pixie cut after all...

I don't think I'd mind it. And maybe that's why I hate this current cut so much, because I know I'd rather have it shorter...

Meh.'s just hair, right? 

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