Monday, September 8, 2014

Hamster Wheel!

Let's talk for a minute about ruts...

You know what I'm talking about, right?

That state of mind where you can't help but feel like your life is on a constant loop of sorts...each day is the same thing as the day before...get up, go to work, come home, go to bed, repeat repeat repeat...

I spent a few minutes thinking about the premise of 'daily ruts' earlier, and I've decided that the whole think is a bit baffling...

As human beings, our brains are more or less wired to create some degree, we crave routine. This can be very beneficial, allowing us to form 'muscle memory' for tasks that would be too demanding otherwise (driving, most athletic feats, typing on a keyboard with any sort of proficiency...I'm sure there are a million other examples, all of which manage to escape me at this moment...)

However, it is these routines (blown up to a daily scale) that can lead to 'ruts'...I can't think of anyone that would say that they actually enjoy being in a rut. They're terrible!

What a cruel trick of nature...

I had intentions of sitting down and writing a mind-blowingly profound about 'ruts' and the unfairness of the human condition...but it's coming on 5 pm and I have to start getting dinner ready...


Hmm? Oh, never mind me...I'm just another person stuck in the perpetual hamster wheel that is a daily routine! Tra-la-la!

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