Friday, September 26, 2014

Birthday Merriment and Movies...

A very drowsy good morning to you all...I don't know why, but it seems like I've had the hardest time getting up and going here lately. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I've actually been getting more sleep that I did about a month ago, but I feel as if I'm less rested that before.

/shrug Oh well, guess it's just one of those things...

Do you remember the post I'd written back in August about the book "Gone Girl"?

[Here's that post just in case you missed it]

John Barrowman = the perfect Nick Dunne
It's being made into a movie! It comes out next weekend and I'm super excited! I think the casting seems like a good fit. I'm in love with the idea of Neil Patrick Harris playing the role of Desi Collings...but really, I love just about everything that NPH does [he's a truly amazing performer]. I don't know how I feel about Ben Affleck being cast as Nick Dunne [one of the main characters in the book], but after atrocities like DareDevil, I think the wariness is justified. I'm sure it doesn't help that the Nick Dunne I imagined looked way more like John Barrowman and nothing like Ben Affleck. [Don't even get me started on roles that I think a terrible for Ben Affleck...**coughcough**Batman!*cough*]

My personal casting preferences aside, I think it there's the potential for a great's the link to the IMDb page, there's a trailer on it you should check out if you haven't seen one yet.

Gone Girl - IMDb

Elsewhere in Gotham City...

Boing! Boing! Boing

Today's my sister's birthday!! Let's celebrate the anniversary of the day my sister graced the world with her presence and took away my 'only child' title!! [I kid, I kid...everyone knows I love my sister...]

The gif of Pinkie Pie bouncing on a balloon is maybe the most perfect depiction of what celebrating my sister's birthday is like...she IS the human embodiment of Pinkie Pie! Super excitable, ridiculously hyper, and a huge fan of the color pink...

Happy birthday to my awesome sister!!

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