Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hey, guys!

I know it's been a while since my last post...I've been trying to get away from posting everyday, I realized that if I post too often, this blog almost turns into an online diary rather than...well, whatever else it was supposed to be.

It's been quite an eventful week for kiddo got sick on Labor Day. But of course he wasn't symptomatic until around 6pm. Perfect timing for all of the emergency walk-in clinics to be closed! Luckily, I was able to get in touch with his pediatrician through their after-hours phone number...I ended up having to take him to see his doctor, but not until the next morning. The odd thing is, I still don't really have a clear idea of what my little one was sick with...he had a very low-grade fever Monday evening, but no fever at all after that. He had some coughing and sinus drainage, but it was actually better than it had been in the weeks before...

The only thing that was really bother some were his swollen lymph nodes in his neck. When I say 'swollen' I mean REALLY swollen. The one on his left side was swollen so badly that it was obviously swollen. (To clarify, I've always been rather bad at deciding whether something was swollen or not...I'd usually have to end up comparing it to the same, not swollen body comparing the right and left side by touch)

The swelling has gone down significantly now, and I'm sure that he'll be back to normal in a few days. Thank goodness!

Other than that, most things are the same as the last few times I've posted. I'm still looking for a car, I'm still working on appraisal classes, and I'm still listening to audio books.

I hope you guys are having a good weekend! Will post again soon!

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