Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sorry I Was A Jerk...


Does anybody else absolutely hate that sinking feeling that you get when you remember something that you royally made a mess of? 

I was just minding my own business...settling down for the night and debating on whether I should try and find something to watch on Netflix...then, BOOM!

My brain decides to go rogue! 

Brain: Hey! Know who you haven't thought of in a while? Like, seriously, over 18 months?

Me: umm...probably a good bit of people. But, I'll humor you...*ahem* who's that?

Brain: How about that really nice guy that you met at about the same time you met your last ex? Remember him? 

Me: Oh no...

Brain: Yeah! You know who I'm talking about! Super nice and considerate guy...lived one state over, had the same awesomely nerdy tastes as you...artsy-type who made you smile ludicrous amounts whenever you spoke?

Me: Please, kill me now...

Brain: Yeah! See? You remember him! Why is it again that you stopped talking to him? You know, just stopped? Like a rude person?

Me: But...but...

Brian: Yeah, that's certainly acted like a butt. 

Me: But...distance and...

Brain: Yeah, okay. Sure. Say, why don't you get in touch with him? Phone call, email, text...carrier pigeon?

Me: you think I should...

Brain: Haha! Nope! Gah, you just fall for anything, don't ya? Yeah. There isn't really any good point in my bringing him up...he probably thinks you're a terrible person and wouldn't want to talk to you. And who would blame him? I just wanted to see if you remembered him. 

Me: *silently slinks off to hide in a hole*

This concludes this post. Lesson leaned? My brain is a jerk and should not be left unattended.

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