Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hello There, Daydream Boyfriend: Commitment (The Movie)

Last night, I was mindlessly browsing through Netflix and you won't believe what I found...

It's my daydream boyfriend! On my Netflix! Ridiculous or not, I'm taking this as a sign...we loves me, he just doesn't know it yet! [hahaha okay...that sounds creepy and's meant to be read with 99.9% sarcasm...the other .1% is definitely wishful thinking...]

A couple of weeks ago, I watched one of the other Korean movies on now I've got a "Because you watched ______" grouping that brings me all sorts of Korean movies and dramas...

As I was scrolling through them [still very much a noob to the world of Korean entertainment], I remembered reading that T.O.P. did some acting in addition to his swoon-worthy singing. Not knowing how popular his acting works were nor how popular the Korean movies/dramas on Netflix actually are...I wasn't sure if any of his stuff would be available. So, I was delightfully surprised to run across this movie!

*** Potential spoiler alerts ahead!!***

The movie was pretty good...surprisingly good compared to all of the other Korean movies/dramas that I've seen. I had to watch the movie with it's English subtitles, but I didn't find it difficult to keep up with the dialogue. Luckily, I'm a ridiculously fast reader and I love subtitled anime and movies...but I realize that most people do not share my love for subtitled, foreign films. So, please do keep the language difference in mind if you decide to watch this movie.

I thought the overall flow of the movie was very good. There is only one particular spot in the movie that stood out to me as feeling a bit out of place: there's a bit of a rumble involving some good ol' fashioned school bully douchebaggery...immediately following a brief clip of our hero and damsel seemingly removed from the fight scene but without any explanation as to where they have moved to. [No transition, no explanation...and his jacket does a random disappearing act only to reappear a few seconds later] The next scene shows our hero back in his classroom and the rest of the story line flows just fine. It's a very minor point, and I know I'm probably the only non-critic that even noticed it...

Such a cutie!
The movie has got a fair bit of action, some heartbreaking espionage, and sheds a little light on the complexity of North/South relations...I'll admit, I know next to nothing about North/South relations outside of what we can see on the news and the news websites that I read [which, I presume, is also mostly America-generated]. I know that all news channels/sites spin each story to some extent, so I'm not naive enough to believe that everything I see, read, or hear is the absolute, 100%, unadulterated truth. And I was too young to have been told the grittier side of things when I lived in Korea...and that was over 20 years ago anyway...I'm sure things have changed since then...but yeah. I'm still a bit confused over some of the dynamics that were portrayed in this movie...I'll be asking my cousin about it later.

All things considered, I definitely recommend this movie. When you find yourself needing something to watch, pick this one!

Still not completely sure you wanna watch this movie?

It's almost two hours of watching my daydream boyfriend...he's a spy, kicks serious tail, and goes to any length to try and protect those close to him. He rides a motorcycle, stands up to bullies, and plays the piano. Did I mention he rides a motorcycle? [/chuckle me likey the motorcycle]

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